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Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.

First of all, thanks so much for helping us make this important film.
Any interview segments used will carry your name and credentials.
These will be displayed whenever a segment is shown and again in the end titles.

The first thing is for us to have a zoom chat or similar and go over what’s to follow and so you can ask any questions.
Let us know when you're free and your time zone and we'll set one up.
This is not the interview. Just a meeting to clarify any issues and the ensure filming is carried our properly.

When we introduce you and your relevant segments, we want to get it 100% correct. Please tell us your full name and the credential you wish to use.

The following options have been considered for filming your segment:
1. Zoom or similar. It would be so easy if this yielded the quality of audio or video. But it doesn't and so broadcasters like Netflix or Amazon Prime wouldn't go near it. Move on...
2. By far the best way to film your segment is if we arrange to get a local film crew to do it. BUT, we're on a tight budget so this might not always be possible.
3. Self-Filming. Ideally, you will have an HD or 4k smartphone (or even a video camera). This is still a great way to obtain a high resolution interview with great sound and video. Your phone must be HD or 4K enabled and you will need to follow the simple guide here.
This will guide you through how to set it up to film you in the best location, the best light, and ensuring the cleanest audio.

We will provide a secure location for you to upload the full video and audio file(s).

We will give you a link to the finished film, when broadcast.

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